I wanna see you is a video exercise trying to interact with the abstract possibilities of online sexual relations and their spatial position from the context of the home.


Buscando ecologías marginadas dentro de la casa, en adelante ‘hogar’ (la casa es pasado), este trabajo mezcla moho y fluidos humanos vists por el microscopio, con audio resultante de sexo online, a ambos lados de la pantalla.

My first intention was to seek alternative ecologies into the domestic space, looking for different patterns of relations there. My previous research had shown me domestic space as a space built upon domination, and I wanted to know whether there were other possibilities for interaction. The assumption was that the privileged discourse is based on the allowance of one ecology and the constant battle against others, through repetitive normative acts.

In that stage I documented the unintended life that I found in my fridge. The beauty of the mold caught my attention, and I grown up more for observe it (see the gallery related)

But I wanted to push these ideas further by going beyond that beauty. The next stage was the work in the laboratory, observing mold, some forms of putrefaction and bodily fluids through the microscope and documenting it. There I discovered the complexity and beauty of those forms. I expected some mesh work, but I was surprised by the wonder of those forms of life. Trying to go beyond the beauty of the unintended life, I discovered more beauty. In a non-hierarchical way, each element had its own wonder.

From the digital side, with my partner, Gabriel Vigliensoni, we recorded sounds of online sexual encounters, from the screen and into the house, looking for the particular ecology that results from the combination between the bio and digital elements. Or, more precisely, trying to understand that ecology.

Gabriel Vigliensoni created an application on MAX/MSP for mapping the two clouds of sound that he was able to touch through gestures in the air and to create a piece of sound in real time.

the relationship between gestures and sound

Sound cloud in MAX/MSP

I used the forms that I saw through the microscope as a model for re-imaging and re-visioning the online sexual relations that I recorded, trying to show their possibilities. With those images, I made short videos that were combined with an audio take.

Despite all of the personal discoveries made doing this work, which were the most interesting to me, I see this presentation as an early stage of a longer project. I am very interested in understanding some of the different systems that conform the home, looking for non-linear ways of organization there. In the process of this project I go to know a new way of looking at the common issues in the idea of home, by understanding it on a more abstract level, beyond the cultural constrains, or maybe with another wireframe that results stimulating for me.


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